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CPL » Human Factors » Documents and Procedures

34.62 Documents and Procedures

34.62.2 Explain the rationale behind consistent and thorough checklist and SOP use as opposed to reliance on memory.


34.62.4 Distinguish between normal and emergency checklists.

Normal checklists are for day to day operations such as start-up and shut downs.

Emergency checklists are for emergency situations where specific actions are required such as warning lights, electrical failures and engine failures.


34.62.6 Describe the elements of an effective checklist.


34.62.8 Identify the phases of flight that a checklist plays an important role.

The process of conducting a checklist occurs during all flight segments and, in particular prior to the critical segments (takeoff, approach, and landing).

Phases of flight requiring checklists: 

  • Pre-flight
  • Pre-start  
  • Start
  • Take-off / Landing
  • Shut down
  • Emergencies
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