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IFR » IR Air Law » Separation

52.63 Separation

52.63.2 Describe the situations where Air Traffic Control is responsible for the provision of separation between VFR, SVFR and IFR traffic. AIP ENR

AIP ENR 1.1-22


9.1 Separation Provided

9.1.1 Separation is provided by ATC:

(a) between IFR flights in Classes A, C, and D airspace; except that separation is not provided during hours of daylight in Class D

airspace when flights have been cleared to climb or descend subject to maintaining own separation in VMC;

(b) between IFR and VFR flights in class C airspace;

(c) between IFR and SVFR flights;

(d) between SVFR flights when the flight visibility is reported to be less than 5km; and

(e) at controlled aerodromes when defined runway and wake turbulence separations are applicable.

Wake turbulence separations applicable to all phases of flight are listed in AD 1.6.


52.63.4 Describe the situations where the pilot-in-command of an IFR flight is responsible for maintaining separation from other traffic. AIP ENR

9.2 Separation Not Provided 

9.2.1 Separation is not provided:

(a) between IFR flights in Class G airspace;

(b) between IFR and VFR flights in Class G airspace; between IFR and VFR flights in Class D airspace; between an IFR flight at the lowest usable cruising level in Class C airspace and a VFR flight in Class D airspace operating at the common airspace level;

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