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Instructor » Fixed Wing Patter » Ancillary Control Effects

Ancillary Control Effects

SPFTMCC - Student Pilots Fear The Mad C Cat.

STUDENT (Slipstream)

(At the holding point) 

Ok we are now going to look at the effect of slipstream on our controls. 

If I increase the power therefore increasing slipstream we can see that the rudder and elevator become firm and more effective… our ailerons however will not be affected, at low power and therefore low slipstream all controls will be light with less effectiveness.


PILOTS (Power)

If we decrease power the aircraft’s nose will pitch down and yaw to the right. 

If we increase power the aircraft’s nose will pitch up and yaw to the left. 

However when we are normally flying we do not want the aircraft to pitch and yaw when we increase or decrease power. 

Therefore we must compensate for this whenever we make power changes. 

If we increase power we must ease forward on the control column, and squeeze in right rudder. 

If we decrease power we must ease back on the control column and squeeze in left rudder.

FEAR (Flaps)

If we lower flaps the nose will pitch up, if we raise the flaps the nose will pitch down. 

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