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Microlight » Flight Radio » Practices and Rules

AIPNZ Volume 1, the radio procedures, requirements, and functions associated with:

(a) UNICOM; (Universal Communication)

  • is an Air/Ground communications facility
  • at certain uncontrolled aerodromes normally within a Mandatory Broadcast Zone. 
  • providing limited known traffic and weather information on request
  • is not an air traffic service staffed by the Airways corporation, so is deemed unattended.

There is currently only one UNICOM in New Zealand – at Ardmore aerodrome, where the service is provided by the airport company.


The Use of Frequency 119.1

The frequency 119.1 MHz is for unattended aerodromes that do not have a designated frequency.

It is for use within 10 NM of these aerodromes – use outside this can compromise appropriate joining and circuit communications.

With this in mind, it should not be used as a general chat channel.


The meaning of light signals used by ATC.

Readability Scale

When performing a 'radio check' to ATC, Unicom or traffic, a scale of 1-5 is used to check readability.





Readable now and then


Readable, but with difficulty




Perfectly Readable

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