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PPL » Aircraft Tech Knowledge (A) » Airframe Structure

12.70 Airframe Structure

12.70.2 Identify and explain the basic function of the major components of a conventional airframe.

The major components of a conventional airframe are: 1. Fuselage: The fuselage is the main body of the airplane, which houses the cockpit, cabin, and cargo compartments. It provides a streamlined shape to reduce drag and houses the wings, engines, and tail assembly. 2. Wings: The wings provide lift to the airplane and are attached to the fuselage. They are designed to produce lift by creating a pressure differential between the upper and lower surfaces of the wing. 3. Empennage: The empennage, or tail assembly, provides stability and control to the airplane. It includes the horizontal stabilizer, vertical stabilizer, and control surfaces such as the elevator, rudder, and trim tabs. 4. Landing gear: The landing gear provides support to the airplane during takeoff, landing, and ground operations. It includes the main landing gear, nose landing gear, and associated shock absorbers, wheels, and brakes. 5. Engines: The engines provide the power to propel the airplane forward. They are attached to the wings or fuselage and are typically located in the front of the airplane. The basic function of these components is to provide lift, stability, and control to the airplane, as well as to support ground operations. By working together, these components allow the airplane to fly safely and efficiently.

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