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PPL » Human Factors » Documents and Procedures

10.62 Documents and Procedures

10.62.2 Explain the rationale behind consistent and thorough checklist use as opposed to reliance on memory. 

Using a consistent and thorough checklist is important because relying solely on memory can lead to errors or omissions.


1. Accuracy: 

Memory can be fallible, especially in high-stress situations.

Having a checklist ensures that important steps are not forgotten or skipped, increasing the accuracy of the process.


2. Completeness: 

A checklist acts as a guide, ensuring that all necessary steps are performed.

It helps prevent overlooking critical actions that could have a significant impact on the outcome.


3. Standardisation: 

By using a checklist, procedures are standardised and consistent across different individuals or situations.

This reduces the risk of variations or deviations that may compromise safety or effectiveness.


4. Efficiency: 

Following a checklist can help streamline the process, making it more efficient.

It eliminates the need to remember every step, allowing the person to focus on executing the tasks effectively.

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