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PPL » Human Factors » Fitness to Fly

10.30 Fitness to Fly

10.30.2 Describe the term fitness to fly.

A pilot needs to be fit both mentally and physically to withstand the considerable and varying demands that can arise within the flying environment.

The pilot needs to be free from any disease, disability, illness, or drug effect that could act suddenly or subtly to interfere with the ability to operate tile aircraft.

A pilot needs to be capable of knowing when they are fit to fly and when they are not, and to develop an understanding of the factors that can affect such fitness.

Not all doctors have a working knowledge of the aviation environment and its effects on the human body.  Each pilot needs access to an aviation medicine doctor.



10.30.4 Explain the responsibilities of pilots towards medical fitness for flight.

When a pilot becomes III or has a serious accident or needs surgery, the pilot must tell the aviation medical assessor.  The doctor will then assess their fitness to continue flying.

In cases where the pilot is designated not fit for a period, the doctor must re-assess the pilot as they become well again for a return to flying.

It is very important to keep physically and mentally fit if your flying is to be safe and productive. Pilots are expected to operate the aircraft safely.  Your medical fitness and how well you feel, directly affect your capability to understand.

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