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PPL » Meteorology » Local Winds

8.14 Local Winds

8.14.2 Describe the development of sea breezes with reference to:

Sea breeze

The Sea Breeze is a cool, moist breeze that blows onshore during the day.

  • The land heats up faster than the sea causing the air above the land to rise.
  • This creates a low pressure above the land due to the decreased density.
  • High pressure air from the sea moves inland to replace the low pressure above the land.

(a) horizontal and vertical limits around New Zealand;

  • Sea breezes can travel inland as far as 25 – 40 km and have a vertical extent of approximately 20003000 ft.

(b) timing of the occurrence;

  • Starts late morning around 10am and reaches maximum mid afternoon between 2pm and 4pm. Dies out early evening.

(c) average strength of the sea breeze;

  • Sea breezes are strongest in the summer with clear skies and average around 10 – 15 knots in strength.

(d) associated cloud and precipitation;

  • Fair weather cumulus mostly confined to the land.
  • Associated precipitation is not common, unless in tropical regions where rain fall can occur at the peak of the sea breeze.

(e) associated turbulence.

  • Turbulence due to obstacles such as sand dunes, trees, cliffs and hills can occur.


8.14.4 Describe the development of katabatic winds with reference to:

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