Ask Elton
Your Flight Training & Ground School Specialist
MenuTemperature and Heat Exchange P
- Home
- Licences
- Microlight
- Flight Radio
- Human Factors
- Meteorology
- Aircraft Tech Knowledge
- Navigation
- Form of the Earth
- Direction on the Earth
- Distance on the Earth
- Speed and Velocity
- Position Referencing
- Time
- Twilight
- Chart Properties and Principles
- Chart Reading
- Computations
- Wind Components
- Triangle of Velocities
- In-flight Revisions
- Flight Planning
- Plan Preparation
- Fuel Planning
- Flight Navigation Procedures
- Special Procedures
- Supplementary Nav
- Air Law
- VFR Met Minima
- Minimum Heights
- Classes of Airspace
- Transponders
- Aircraft Speed
- Restricted and Danger Areas
- Military Operating Areas
- Other Hazardous Airspace
- Controlled Airspace
- Aerodrome Flight Info Service
- VFR Transit Lanes
- Microlight Aircraft
- Operating Near Other Aircraft
- Pilot Certificate Classes
- Pilot Certificates
- Pilot Requirements
- Accidents
- Requirements for an ELT
- Equipment Inspection Periods
- Magnetic Track Altitude Table
- Visual Signals
- General Flight Rules
- Aerodrome Operational Data
- Right of Way Rules
- Airmanship
- Flight Planning
- RAANZ Question Pool
- Aeronautical Charts
- Rules
- Gyroplane Technical Knowledge
- Flight Radio
- Human Factors
- Airmanship and Responsibility
- Models and Programmes
- The Atmosphere
- Circulation and Respiratory
- Hypoxia
- Hyperventilation
- Entrapped Gasses
- Decompression Sickness
- Vision and Visual Perception
- Hearing and Balance
- Spatial Orientation
- Gravitational Forces
- Motion Sickness
- Flight Anxiety
- Fitness to Fly
- Alcohol and Drugs
- Blood Donation
- Environmental Hazards
- Stress Management
- Sleep and Fatigue
- Ageing
- Information Processing
- Situational Awareness
- Judgement and Decision Making
- Psychology and Flight Deck
- Threat and Error Management
- Culture
- Instrumentation,Displays,Alerts
- Documents and Procedures
- First Aid
- Survival
- Air Crash Investigation
- Air Law (A) & (H)
- Aviation Legislation
- Definitions
- Abbreviations
- Requirements for Licences and R
- Eligibility, Privileges and Lim
- Competency, Currency and Recenc
- Medical Requirements
- Airworthiness of Aircraft and D
- Aircraft Maintenance
- Instruments and Avionics
- Equipment
- General Operating Requirements
- General Operating Restrictions
- General Meteorological Requirem
- Carriage of Dangerous Goods
- Flight Preparation
- Fuel Requirements
- Flight Plans
- Air Traffic Services - Communic
- Clearances
- Separation
- Radar Services
- Altimetry
- Cruising Levels
- Transponders
- Airspace
- Aerodromes and Heliports
- Aerodromes Lighting
- Emergencies; Responsibilities o
- Emergencies - Communications an
- Meteorology
- Decode Domestic Meteorological
- Weather Maps
- The Atmosphere
- Temperature and Heat Exchange P
- Atmospheric Pressure and Densit
- Wind
- Local Winds
- Water Vapour
- Atmospheric Stability
- Inversions
- Clouds
- Precipitation
- Visibility and Fog
- Aircraft Icing
- Thunderstorms
- Mountain Weather
- Air-masses and Fronts
- Turbulence
- New Zealand Weather
- Assess satellite and radar Imag
- Interpret Domestic Meteorologic
- Combined
- Aircraft Tech Knowledge (A)
- Definitions, Terminology, Units
- The Atmosphere
- Basic Aerodynamic Theory
- Engines – General Piston Engine
- Carburation
- Fuel Injection
- Fuel
- Exhaust System
- Ignition Systems – Magneto Igni
- Ignition systems – Solid State
- Engine Management - Piston
- Electrical System - DC
- Fuel System Components
- Fuel Tanks
- Lubrication Systems - Engines
- Engine Instruments
- Pressure Instruments
- Magnetic Instruments
- Gyroscopic Instruments
- GNSS Instruments
- TAWS Systems
- EFIS Instrument Displays
- ELT Systems
- Cooling Systems
- Landing Gear - Fixed
- Aeroplane Aerodynamic Theory
- Basic Flying Controls
- Straight and Level Flight
- Climbing Flight
- Descending Flight
- Turning Flight
- Stalling and Spinning
- Airframe Structure
- Propellers
- Control Systems
- Performance Factors
- Take-off Performance
- Landing Performance
- Weight and Balance - Definition
- Weight and Loading
- Centre of Gravity (C of G)
- Aircraft Tech Knowledge (H)
- Definitions, Terminology, Units
- The Atmosphere
- Basic Aerodynamic Theory
- Engines – General Piston Engine
- Carburation
- Fuel Injection
- Fuel
- Exhaust System
- Ignition Systems – Magneto Igni
- Ignition Systems – Solid State
- Engine Management - Piston
- Electrical System - DC
- Fuel System Components
- Fuel Tanks
- Lubrication Systems - Engines
- Engine Instruments
- Pressure Instruments
- Magnetic Instruments
- Gyroscopic Instruments
- GNSS Instruments
- TAWS Systems
- EFIS Instrument Displays
- ELT Systems
- Cooling Systems
- Landing Gear - Fixed
- Helicopter Aerodynamic Theory
- Hovering
- Forward Flight
- Climbing Flight
- Descending Flight
- Turning Flight
- Autorotation
- Transmission Systems
- Main Rotor Systems
- Tail Rotor Systems
- Helicopter Controls
- Rotor Discs - Terminology
- Forces Acting on a Helicopter R
- Anti-torque Tail Rotor
- Hazardous Flight Conditions
- Performance Factors
- Take-off Performance
- Landing Performance
- Weight and Balance - Definition
- Weight and Loading
- Centre of Gravity (C of G)
- Navigation
- Form of the Earth
- Direction on the Earth
- Distance on the Earth
- Speed and Velocity
- Position Referencing
- Altimetry
- Principles and Terminology
- Time
- Twilight
- Aeronautical Charts - Propertie
- Chart Reading
- Circular Slide Rule - Computati
- Wind Components
- Triangle of Velocities
- The 1 in 60 rule
- Deduced Reckoning - In-flight R
- Route Selection
- Chart Preparation
- Plan Preparation
- Fuel Planning
- VFR Flight Navigation
- Special Procedures
- Flight Management
- Fuel Management
- GNSS Global Navigation Satellit
- Radar Procedures
- Human Factors
- Airmanship, Professionalism and
- Human Factors Models and Progra
- The Atmosphere
- Circulation and Respiratory Sys
- Hypoxia
- Hyperventilation
- Entrapped Gasses
- Decompression Sickness
- Vision and Visual Perception
- Hearing and Balance
- Spatial Orientation
- Gravitational Forces
- Motion Sickness
- Flight Anxiety
- Fitness to Fly
- Alcohol and Drugs
- Blood Donation
- Environmental Hazards
- Stress Management
- Sleep and Fatigue (Alertness ma
- Ageing
- Information Processing
- Situational Awareness
- Judgement and Decision Making
- Social Psychology and Flight De
- Threat and Error Management
- Culture
- Flight Deck Design
- Design of Controls
- Instrumentation, Displays and A
- Documents and Procedures
- First Aid
- Survival
- Combined
- Combined No.2
- Air Law (A) & (H)
- Aviation Legislation
- Definitions
- Abbreviations
- Requirements for Licences
- Eligibility, Privileges a
- Competency, Currency and Recenc
- Medical Requirements
- Aircraft Documentation
- Aircraft Maintenance
- Instruments and Avionics
- Aircraft Equipment
- General Operating Requirements
- General Operating Restrictions
- General Meteorological Requirem
- Carriage of Dangerous Goods
- Helicopter External Load Operat
- Air Operations Crew Requirement
- Air Operations Requirements and
- Air Operations Meteorological R
- Air Operations Performance Requ
- Flight Preparation
- Fuel Requirements
- Flight Plans
- Enroute Limitations
- Air Traffic Services - Communic
- Clearances
- Separation
- Radar Services
- Altimetry
- Cruising Levels
- Transponders
- Airspace
- Aerodromes and Heliports
- Aerodromes Lighting
- Emergencies; Responsibilities o
- Emergencies; Communications and
- Principles – Aeroplane
- Principles – Helicopter
- Meteorology
- General Tech – Aeroplane
- Electricity and Magnetism
- Hydrodynamics
- Piston Engines - general
- Carburation
- Fuel Injection
- Super and Turbo Charging
- Fuel
- Exhaust Systems
- Ignition Systems – Magneto
- Ignition Systems – Solid State
- Starter Motors
- Engine Performance
- Electrical Systems - DC
- Fuel Systems
- Fuel Tanks
- Lubrication Systems - Engine
- Hydraulic Systems
- Pneumatic Systems
- Fire Warning Systems
- Fire Protection Systems
- Ice and Rain Protection Systems
- Engine Instruments
- Pressure Instruments
- Magnetic Instruments
- Gyroscopic Instruments
- GNSS Systems
- TCAS Systems
- GPWS Systems
- “EFIS” Instrument Displays
- Cooling Systems - Engines
- Landing Gear - Fixed
- Landing Gear - Retractable
- Aircraft Wheel Brake System
- Airframe Structure
- Propellers
- Control Systems
- General Tech – Helicopter
- Navigation
- Form of the Earth
- Direction on the Earth
- Distance on the Earth
- Speed and Velocity
- Position Referencing
- Altimetry
- Time
- Aeronautical Charts
- Chart Reading
- Circular Slide Rule
- Triangle of Velocities
- The 1 in 60 Rule
- Route Selection
- Chart Preparation
- Plan Preparation
- Fuel Planning
- VFR Flight Navigation
- Special Procedures
- Enroute Diversion Calculations
- Global Navigation Satellite Sys
- Human Factors
- Air Law – Aeroplane
- Aviation Legislation
- Definitions
- Abbreviations
- Requirements for Licences and R
- Eligibility, Privileges and Lim
- Competency, Currency and Recenc
- Medical Requirements
- Aircraft Documentation
- Aircraft Maintenance
- Instruments and Avionics
- Equipment
- General Operating Requirements
- General Operating Restrictions
- Carriage of Dangerous Goods
- Air Operations Crew Requirement
- Air Operations Requirements and
- Air Operations Meteorological R
- Air Operations Performance Requ
- Flight Preparation
- Alternate Requirements
- Fuel Requirements
- Flight Plans
- En-route Limitations
- Communications
- Clearances
- Separation
- Terrain Clearance
- Weather Avoidance
- Radar Services
- Oceanic Procedures
- Global Navigation Satellite Sys
- Altimetry
- Cruising Levels
- Transponders
- Airspace
- Aerodromes
- Aerodrome Lighting
- Emergencies, Responsibilities o
- Emergencies, Communications and
- Instrument Departure Procedures
- Holding Procedures
- Instrument Approach Procedures
- Communications and Navigation A
- Air Law – Helicopter
- Aviation Legislation
- Definitions
- Abbreviations
- Requirements for Licences and R
- Eligibility, Privileges and Lim
- Competency, Currency and Recenc
- Medical Requirements
- Aircraft Documentation
- Aircraft Maintenance
- Instruments and Avionics
- Aircraft Equipment
- General Operating Requirements
- General Operating Restrictions
- General Meteorological Requirem
- Carriage of Dangerous Goods
- Helicopter External Load Operat
- Air Operations Crew Requirement
- Air Operations Requirements and
- Air Operations Meteorological R
- Air Operations Performance Requ
- Air Operations Weight and Balan
- Flight Preparation
- Alternate Requirements
- Fuel Requirements
- Flight Plans
- ATS Communications
- Clearances
- Separation
- Terrain Clearance
- Weather Avoidance
- Radar Services
- Global Navigation Satellite Sys
- Altimetry
- Cruising Levels
- Transponders
- Airspace
- Aerodromes and Heliports
- Aerodrome Marking
- Aerodrome Signs & Charts
- Aerodrome Lighting
- Emergencies: Responsibilities o
- Communications and Equipment
- Instrument Departure Procedures
- Instrument Holding Procedures
- Instrument Approach Procedures
- Instrument Communications and N
- Navigation
- Flight Planning – Aeroplane
- Flight Planning – Helicopter
- Meteorology
- Instruments
- Human Factors
- Advanced Aerodynamics …
- Transonic Speed
- Stability and Control
- Transonic Aerodynamics
- Transonic Aerofoils
- Engine Management Systems
- Flight Control Systems
- Automatic Control Systems
- Hydraulic Systems
- Pneumatic Systems
- Electrical Systems - DC
- Electrical Systems - AC
- Landing gear Systems - Retracta
- Aircraft Wheel Brake System
- Fuel Pump Systems
- Fuel Tanks Systems
- Fire Warning Systems
- Fire Protection and Suppression
- Ice and Rain Protection Systems
- Oxygen Systems
- Environmental Control Systems
- Performance Factors – Take-off
- Performance Factors - Cruise
- Performance Factors - Approach
- Performance - Calculations and
- Weight and Balance - General
- Weight and Balance - Calculatio
- Aeroplane and Pavement Classifi
- Aerodynamics – Helicopter
- Aeroscience
- Aerodynamic theory
- Lift
- Drag
- Lift/drag ratio
- Rotor Discs: Terminology
- Forces acting on a helicopter r
- Anti-torque tail rotor
- Disc control
- Hovering
- Forward flight
- Climbing and descending
- Turning
- Transitioning to the hover
- Autorotation
- Stability
- Retreating blade stall
- Vortex ring state
- Ground resonance
- Blade sailing
- Dynamic rollover
- Mast bumping
- Exceeding rotor RPM limits
- Rotor stalls
- Helicopter airframes
- Transmission systems
- Main rotor systems
- Tail rotor systems
- Automatic flight control system
- Hydraulics
- Electrical systems
- Environmental control systems
- Ice, rain and particle protecti
- Ring laser gyro
- Air data computer (ADC)
- Air temperature gauge
- Flight director (FD)
- Electronic flight instrument sy
- Electronic engine displays (ECA
- Flight management system (FMS)
- Master warning system
- Altitude alerter system
- Radar altimeter
- Rotor overspeed/underspeed warn
- Automatic engine data recording
- Terrain awareness and warning s
- Aircraft collision avoidance sy
- Fire warning and protection sys
- Flight data recorder
- Cockpit voice recorder
- Performance – Helicopter
- Air Law – Aeroplane
- IR Air Law
- Aviation Legislation
- Definitions
- Abbreviations
- Requirements for Licences and R
- Eligibility, Privileges and Lim
- Competency, Currency and Recenc
- Medical Requirements
- Aircraft Documentation
- Aircraft Maintenance
- Instruments and Avionics
- Equipment
- General Operating Requirements
- General Operating Restrictions
- Flight Preparation
- Alternate Requirements
- Fuel Requirements
- Flight Plans
- Communications
- Clearances
- Separation
- Terrain Clearance
- Weather Avoidance
- Radar Services
- Global Navigation Satellite Sys
- Altimetry
- Cruising Levels
- Transponders
- Airspace
- Aerodromes and Heliports
- Aerodrome Lighting
- Emergencies; Incidents; and Acc
- Departure Procedures
- Holding Procedures
- Approach Procedures
- Communications and Navigation A
- IFR Flight Navigation
- Instruments and Nav Aids
- Pressure Instruments
- Gyroscopic Instruments
- Remote Indicating Compasses
- Basic Radio Principles
- Primary Surveillance Radar (PSR
- Secondary Surveillance Radar (S
- Transponders
- Airborne Weather Radar
- Visual Landing Aids
- Distance Measuring Equipment (D
- Instrument Landing System (ILS)
- Global Navigation Satellite Sys
- Performance Based Navigation (P
- Performance Based Surveillance
- IR Operational Knowledge (A & H
- IR Air Law
- BGT (A)
- Basic Turbine Engine Theory
- Turbine Engine Types
- Turbine Engine Inlet Systems
- Turbine Engine Compressors
- Turbine Engine Combustion Secti
- Turbine Engine Turbine Section
- Turbine Engine Exhaust Section
- Thrust Reversers
- Turbine Engine Fuel Systems
- Turbine Engine Lubrication Syst
- Turbine Engine Starting; Igniti
- Turbine Engine Air Cooling and
- Turbine Engine Indicating and I
- Turbine Engine Performance
- BGT (H)
- Basic Turbine Engine Theory
- Turbine Engine Types
- Turbine Engine Inlet Systems
- Turbine Engine Compressors
- Turbine Engine Combustion Secti
- Turbine Engine Turbine Section
- Turbine Engine Exhaust Section
- Turbine Engine Fuel Systems
- Turbine Engine Lubrication Syst
- Turbine Engine Starting; Igniti
- Turbine Engine Air Cooling and
- Turbine Engine Indicating and I
- Turbine Engine Performance
- BGT (A)
- Instructor
- Section 1
- Flight Training
- Gyroplane Syllabus
- Instructor Famil
- Famil with the Aircraft
- Prep for Flight and Action Afte
- Air Experience
- Taxiing
- Effect of Controls
- Rotor Run-up and Run Down
- The Take-off
- The Landing
- Straight and Level
- Medium Turns
- Climbing and Descending
- Climbing and Descending - Turns
- Slow Flight
- The Circuit
- Wheel Balancing
- Trimming
- Vacating the Circuit
- Joining the Circuit
- Passenger Brief
- Crosswind Take-off
- Crosswind Landing
- Fixed Wing Patter
- Instructional Techniques
- General
- Instructor Course Prep
- Flight Testing
- Flight Test Standards Gyroplane
- Personal Preparation
- Aircraft Documents
- Weather, NZAIP & Supplements
- Aircraft Performance
- Fuel Management
- Aircraft Loading
- Pre-Flight
- Emergency Equipment
- Engine Start, Warm-up & Shutdow
- Air Traffic Service procedure
- Taxiing and brake check
- Engine checks, run-up and opera
- Pre take-off checks
- Normal take-off
- Crosswind take-off
- Short field take-off
- Engine failure techniques
- Climbing
- Straight and level flight
- Medium turns
- Descent
- Slow flight
- Magnetic compass headings
- Steep turns
- Forced landing with power
- Forced landing without power
- Low flying in simulated poor vi
- Joining the Circuit
- Normal approach and landing
- Crosswind approach and landing
- Short field landing
- Approach and go-round
- Threat and error management
- Radiotelephony tuning and proce
- Lookout (critical task)
- Flight Orientation
- Aircraft Recognition
- Mountain Flying
- In, Out and Around NZTG
- Met Decoding
- British Microlight Training Syl
- General Pages
- Gyro Flight Instructor Guide
- ATPL Close Tests
- Microlight
- Tests
- Microlight
- Flight Radio
- Human Factors
- Meteorology
- Aircraft Tech Knowledge
- Navigation
- Form of the Earth
- Direction on the Earth
- Distance on the Earth
- Speed and Velocity
- Position Referencing
- Time
- Twilight
- Chart Properties and Principles
- Chart Reading
- Computations
- Wind Components
- Triangle of Velocities
- In-flight Revisions
- Flight Planning
- Fuel Planning
- Flight Navigation Procedures
- Special Procedures
- Supplementary Nav
- Air Law
- VFR Met Minima
- Minimum Heights
- Classes of Airspace
- Transponders
- Aircraft Speed
- Restricted and Danger Areas
- Military Operating Areas
- Other Hazardous Airspace
- Controlled Airspace
- Aerodrome Flight Info Service
- VFR Transit Lanes
- Microlight Aircraft
- Operating Near Other Aircraft
- Pilot Certificates
- Pilot Requirements
- Accidents
- Requirements for an ELT
- Magnetic Track Altitude Table
- Visual Signals
- General Flight Rules
- Aerodrome Operational Data
- Right of Way Rules
- Airmanship
- Flight Planning
- Aeronautical Charts
- Rules
- Gyroplane Technical Knowledge
- Flight Radio
- Human Factors
- The Atmosphere
- Circulation and Respiratory
- Hypoxia
- Hyperventilation
- Entrapped Gasses
- Decompression Sickness
- Vision and Visual Perception
- Hearing and Balance
- Spatial Orientation
- Gravitational Forces
- Motion Sickness
- Fitness to Fly
- Alcohol and Drugs
- Blood Donation
- Environmental Hazards
- Stress Management
- Sleep and Fatigue
- Information Processing
- Judgement and Decision Making
- First Aid
- Survival
- Air Law (A) & (H)
- Aviation Legislation
- Definitions
- Abbreviations
- Requirements for Licences and R
- Eligibility, Privileges and Lim
- Competency, Currency and Recenc
- Medical Requirements
- Airworthiness of Aircraft and D
- Aircraft Maintenance
- Instruments and Avionics
- Equipment
- General Operating Requirements
- General Operating Restrictions
- General Meteorological Requirem
- Carriage of Dangerous Goods
- Fuel Requirements
- Flight Plans
- Air Traffic Services - Communic
- Separation
- Altimetry
- Cruising Levels
- Airspace
- Aerodromes and Heliports
- Aerodromes Lighting
- Emergencies; Responsibilities o
- Emergencies - Communications an
- Meteorology
- Aircraft Tech Knowledge (A)
- Air Law – Aeroplane
- Aviation Legislation
- Definitions
- Abbreviations
- Requirements for Licences and R
- Competency, Currency and Recenc
- Medical Requirements
- Equipment
- General Operating Requirements
- General Operating Restrictions
- Air Operations Crew Requirement
- Air Operations Requirements and
- Air Operations Meteorological R
- Air Operations Performance Requ
- Airspace
- Instrument Departure Procedures
- Holding Procedures
- Instrument Approach Procedures
- Air Law – Helicopter
- Air Law – Aeroplane
- Instructor
- Microlight
- Glossary
- Gallery
- Useful Info
- Contact
- Login
- Home
- Licences
- Microlight
- Flight Radio
- Human Factors
- Meteorology
- Aircraft Tech Knowledge
- Navigation
- Form of the Earth
- Direction on the Earth
- Distance on the Earth
- Speed and Velocity
- Position Referencing
- Time
- Twilight
- Chart Properties and Principles
- Chart Reading
- Computations
- Wind Components
- Triangle of Velocities
- In-flight Revisions
- Flight Planning
- Plan Preparation
- Fuel Planning
- Flight Navigation Procedures
- Special Procedures
- Supplementary Nav
- Air Law
- VFR Met Minima
- Minimum Heights
- Classes of Airspace
- Transponders
- Aircraft Speed
- Restricted and Danger Areas
- Military Operating Areas
- Other Hazardous Airspace
- Controlled Airspace
- Aerodrome Flight Info Service
- VFR Transit Lanes
- Microlight Aircraft
- Operating Near Other Aircraft
- Pilot Certificate Classes
- Pilot Certificates
- Pilot Requirements
- Accidents
- Requirements for an ELT
- Equipment Inspection Periods
- Magnetic Track Altitude Table
- Visual Signals
- General Flight Rules
- Aerodrome Operational Data
- Right of Way Rules
- Airmanship
- Flight Planning
- RAANZ Question Pool
- Aeronautical Charts
- Rules
- Gyroplane Technical Knowledge
- Flight Radio
- Human Factors
- Airmanship and Responsibility
- Models and Programmes
- The Atmosphere
- Circulation and Respiratory
- Hypoxia
- Hyperventilation
- Entrapped Gasses
- Decompression Sickness
- Vision and Visual Perception
- Hearing and Balance
- Spatial Orientation
- Gravitational Forces
- Motion Sickness
- Flight Anxiety
- Fitness to Fly
- Alcohol and Drugs
- Blood Donation
- Environmental Hazards
- Stress Management
- Sleep and Fatigue
- Ageing
- Information Processing
- Situational Awareness
- Judgement and Decision Making
- Psychology and Flight Deck
- Threat and Error Management
- Culture
- Instrumentation,Displays,Alerts
- Documents and Procedures
- First Aid
- Survival
- Air Crash Investigation
- Air Law (A) & (H)
- Aviation Legislation
- Definitions
- Abbreviations
- Requirements for Licences and R
- Eligibility, Privileges and Lim
- Competency, Currency and Recenc
- Medical Requirements
- Airworthiness of Aircraft and D
- Aircraft Maintenance
- Instruments and Avionics
- Equipment
- General Operating Requirements
- General Operating Restrictions
- General Meteorological Requirem
- Carriage of Dangerous Goods
- Flight Preparation
- Fuel Requirements
- Flight Plans
- Air Traffic Services - Communic
- Clearances
- Separation
- Radar Services
- Altimetry
- Cruising Levels
- Transponders
- Airspace
- Aerodromes and Heliports
- Aerodromes Lighting
- Emergencies; Responsibilities o
- Emergencies - Communications an
- Meteorology
- Decode Domestic Meteorological
- Weather Maps
- The Atmosphere
- Temperature and Heat Exchange P
- Atmospheric Pressure and Densit
- Wind
- Local Winds
- Water Vapour
- Atmospheric Stability
- Inversions
- Clouds
- Precipitation
- Visibility and Fog
- Aircraft Icing
- Thunderstorms
- Mountain Weather
- Air-masses and Fronts
- Turbulence
- New Zealand Weather
- Assess satellite and radar Imag
- Interpret Domestic Meteorologic
- Combined
- Aircraft Tech Knowledge (A)
- Definitions, Terminology, Units
- The Atmosphere
- Basic Aerodynamic Theory
- Engines – General Piston Engine
- Carburation
- Fuel Injection
- Fuel
- Exhaust System
- Ignition Systems – Magneto Igni
- Ignition systems – Solid State
- Engine Management - Piston
- Electrical System - DC
- Fuel System Components
- Fuel Tanks
- Lubrication Systems - Engines
- Engine Instruments
- Pressure Instruments
- Magnetic Instruments
- Gyroscopic Instruments
- GNSS Instruments
- TAWS Systems
- EFIS Instrument Displays
- ELT Systems
- Cooling Systems
- Landing Gear - Fixed
- Aeroplane Aerodynamic Theory
- Basic Flying Controls
- Straight and Level Flight
- Climbing Flight
- Descending Flight
- Turning Flight
- Stalling and Spinning
- Airframe Structure
- Propellers
- Control Systems
- Performance Factors
- Take-off Performance
- Landing Performance
- Weight and Balance - Definition
- Weight and Loading
- Centre of Gravity (C of G)
- Aircraft Tech Knowledge (H)
- Definitions, Terminology, Units
- The Atmosphere
- Basic Aerodynamic Theory
- Engines – General Piston Engine
- Carburation
- Fuel Injection
- Fuel
- Exhaust System
- Ignition Systems – Magneto Igni
- Ignition Systems – Solid State
- Engine Management - Piston
- Electrical System - DC
- Fuel System Components
- Fuel Tanks
- Lubrication Systems - Engines
- Engine Instruments
- Pressure Instruments
- Magnetic Instruments
- Gyroscopic Instruments
- GNSS Instruments
- TAWS Systems
- EFIS Instrument Displays
- ELT Systems
- Cooling Systems
- Landing Gear - Fixed
- Helicopter Aerodynamic Theory
- Hovering
- Forward Flight
- Climbing Flight
- Descending Flight
- Turning Flight
- Autorotation
- Transmission Systems
- Main Rotor Systems
- Tail Rotor Systems
- Helicopter Controls
- Rotor Discs - Terminology
- Forces Acting on a Helicopter R
- Anti-torque Tail Rotor
- Hazardous Flight Conditions
- Performance Factors
- Take-off Performance
- Landing Performance
- Weight and Balance - Definition
- Weight and Loading
- Centre of Gravity (C of G)
- Navigation
- Form of the Earth
- Direction on the Earth
- Distance on the Earth
- Speed and Velocity
- Position Referencing
- Altimetry
- Principles and Terminology
- Time
- Twilight
- Aeronautical Charts - Propertie
- Chart Reading
- Circular Slide Rule - Computati
- Wind Components
- Triangle of Velocities
- The 1 in 60 rule
- Deduced Reckoning - In-flight R
- Route Selection
- Chart Preparation
- Plan Preparation
- Fuel Planning
- VFR Flight Navigation
- Special Procedures
- Flight Management
- Fuel Management
- GNSS Global Navigation Satellit
- Radar Procedures
- Human Factors
- Airmanship, Professionalism and
- Human Factors Models and Progra
- The Atmosphere
- Circulation and Respiratory Sys
- Hypoxia
- Hyperventilation
- Entrapped Gasses
- Decompression Sickness
- Vision and Visual Perception
- Hearing and Balance
- Spatial Orientation
- Gravitational Forces
- Motion Sickness
- Flight Anxiety
- Fitness to Fly
- Alcohol and Drugs
- Blood Donation
- Environmental Hazards
- Stress Management
- Sleep and Fatigue (Alertness ma
- Ageing
- Information Processing
- Situational Awareness
- Judgement and Decision Making
- Social Psychology and Flight De
- Threat and Error Management
- Culture
- Flight Deck Design
- Design of Controls
- Instrumentation, Displays and A
- Documents and Procedures
- First Aid
- Survival
- Combined
- Combined No.2
- Air Law (A) & (H)
- Aviation Legislation
- Definitions
- Abbreviations
- Requirements for Licences
- Eligibility, Privileges a
- Competency, Currency and Recenc
- Medical Requirements
- Aircraft Documentation
- Aircraft Maintenance
- Instruments and Avionics
- Aircraft Equipment
- General Operating Requirements
- General Operating Restrictions
- General Meteorological Requirem
- Carriage of Dangerous Goods
- Helicopter External Load Operat
- Air Operations Crew Requirement
- Air Operations Requirements and
- Air Operations Meteorological R
- Air Operations Performance Requ
- Flight Preparation
- Fuel Requirements
- Flight Plans
- Enroute Limitations
- Air Traffic Services - Communic
- Clearances
- Separation
- Radar Services
- Altimetry
- Cruising Levels
- Transponders
- Airspace
- Aerodromes and Heliports
- Aerodromes Lighting
- Emergencies; Responsibilities o
- Emergencies; Communications and
- Principles – Aeroplane
- Principles – Helicopter
- Meteorology
- General Tech – Aeroplane
- Electricity and Magnetism
- Hydrodynamics
- Piston Engines - general
- Carburation
- Fuel Injection
- Super and Turbo Charging
- Fuel
- Exhaust Systems
- Ignition Systems – Magneto
- Ignition Systems – Solid State
- Starter Motors
- Engine Performance
- Electrical Systems - DC
- Fuel Systems
- Fuel Tanks
- Lubrication Systems - Engine
- Hydraulic Systems
- Pneumatic Systems
- Fire Warning Systems
- Fire Protection Systems
- Ice and Rain Protection Systems
- Engine Instruments
- Pressure Instruments
- Magnetic Instruments
- Gyroscopic Instruments
- GNSS Systems
- TCAS Systems
- GPWS Systems
- “EFIS” Instrument Displays
- Cooling Systems - Engines
- Landing Gear - Fixed
- Landing Gear - Retractable
- Aircraft Wheel Brake System
- Airframe Structure
- Propellers
- Control Systems
- General Tech – Helicopter
- Navigation
- Form of the Earth
- Direction on the Earth
- Distance on the Earth
- Speed and Velocity
- Position Referencing
- Altimetry
- Time
- Aeronautical Charts
- Chart Reading
- Circular Slide Rule
- Triangle of Velocities
- The 1 in 60 Rule
- Route Selection
- Chart Preparation
- Plan Preparation
- Fuel Planning
- VFR Flight Navigation
- Special Procedures
- Enroute Diversion Calculations
- Global Navigation Satellite Sys
- Human Factors
- Air Law – Aeroplane
- Aviation Legislation
- Definitions
- Abbreviations
- Requirements for Licences and R
- Eligibility, Privileges and Lim
- Competency, Currency and Recenc
- Medical Requirements
- Aircraft Documentation
- Aircraft Maintenance
- Instruments and Avionics
- Equipment
- General Operating Requirements
- General Operating Restrictions
- Carriage of Dangerous Goods
- Air Operations Crew Requirement
- Air Operations Requirements and
- Air Operations Meteorological R
- Air Operations Performance Requ
- Flight Preparation
- Alternate Requirements
- Fuel Requirements
- Flight Plans
- En-route Limitations
- Communications
- Clearances
- Separation
- Terrain Clearance
- Weather Avoidance
- Radar Services
- Oceanic Procedures
- Global Navigation Satellite Sys
- Altimetry
- Cruising Levels
- Transponders
- Airspace
- Aerodromes
- Aerodrome Lighting
- Emergencies, Responsibilities o
- Emergencies, Communications and
- Instrument Departure Procedures
- Holding Procedures
- Instrument Approach Procedures
- Communications and Navigation A
- Air Law – Helicopter
- Aviation Legislation
- Definitions
- Abbreviations
- Requirements for Licences and R
- Eligibility, Privileges and Lim
- Competency, Currency and Recenc
- Medical Requirements
- Aircraft Documentation
- Aircraft Maintenance
- Instruments and Avionics
- Aircraft Equipment
- General Operating Requirements
- General Operating Restrictions
- General Meteorological Requirem
- Carriage of Dangerous Goods
- Helicopter External Load Operat
- Air Operations Crew Requirement
- Air Operations Requirements and
- Air Operations Meteorological R
- Air Operations Performance Requ
- Air Operations Weight and Balan
- Flight Preparation
- Alternate Requirements
- Fuel Requirements
- Flight Plans
- ATS Communications
- Clearances
- Separation
- Terrain Clearance
- Weather Avoidance
- Radar Services
- Global Navigation Satellite Sys
- Altimetry
- Cruising Levels
- Transponders
- Airspace
- Aerodromes and Heliports
- Aerodrome Marking
- Aerodrome Signs & Charts
- Aerodrome Lighting
- Emergencies: Responsibilities o
- Communications and Equipment
- Instrument Departure Procedures
- Instrument Holding Procedures
- Instrument Approach Procedures
- Instrument Communications and N
- Navigation
- Flight Planning – Aeroplane
- Flight Planning – Helicopter
- Meteorology
- Instruments
- Human Factors
- Advanced Aerodynamics …
- Transonic Speed
- Stability and Control
- Transonic Aerodynamics
- Transonic Aerofoils
- Engine Management Systems
- Flight Control Systems
- Automatic Control Systems
- Hydraulic Systems
- Pneumatic Systems
- Electrical Systems - DC
- Electrical Systems - AC
- Landing gear Systems - Retracta
- Aircraft Wheel Brake System
- Fuel Pump Systems
- Fuel Tanks Systems
- Fire Warning Systems
- Fire Protection and Suppression
- Ice and Rain Protection Systems
- Oxygen Systems
- Environmental Control Systems
- Performance Factors – Take-off
- Performance Factors - Cruise
- Performance Factors - Approach
- Performance - Calculations and
- Weight and Balance - General
- Weight and Balance - Calculatio
- Aeroplane and Pavement Classifi
- Aerodynamics – Helicopter
- Aeroscience
- Aerodynamic theory
- Lift
- Drag
- Lift/drag ratio
- Rotor Discs: Terminology
- Forces acting on a helicopter r
- Anti-torque tail rotor
- Disc control
- Hovering
- Forward flight
- Climbing and descending
- Turning
- Transitioning to the hover
- Autorotation
- Stability
- Retreating blade stall
- Vortex ring state
- Ground resonance
- Blade sailing
- Dynamic rollover
- Mast bumping
- Exceeding rotor RPM limits
- Rotor stalls
- Helicopter airframes
- Transmission systems
- Main rotor systems
- Tail rotor systems
- Automatic flight control system
- Hydraulics
- Electrical systems
- Environmental control systems
- Ice, rain and particle protecti
- Ring laser gyro
- Air data computer (ADC)
- Air temperature gauge
- Flight director (FD)
- Electronic flight instrument sy
- Electronic engine displays (ECA
- Flight management system (FMS)
- Master warning system
- Altitude alerter system
- Radar altimeter
- Rotor overspeed/underspeed warn
- Automatic engine data recording
- Terrain awareness and warning s
- Aircraft collision avoidance sy
- Fire warning and protection sys
- Flight data recorder
- Cockpit voice recorder
- Performance – Helicopter
- Air Law – Aeroplane
- IR Air Law
- Aviation Legislation
- Definitions
- Abbreviations
- Requirements for Licences and R
- Eligibility, Privileges and Lim
- Competency, Currency and Recenc
- Medical Requirements
- Aircraft Documentation
- Aircraft Maintenance
- Instruments and Avionics
- Equipment
- General Operating Requirements
- General Operating Restrictions
- Flight Preparation
- Alternate Requirements
- Fuel Requirements
- Flight Plans
- Communications
- Clearances
- Separation
- Terrain Clearance
- Weather Avoidance
- Radar Services
- Global Navigation Satellite Sys
- Altimetry
- Cruising Levels
- Transponders
- Airspace
- Aerodromes and Heliports
- Aerodrome Lighting
- Emergencies; Incidents; and Acc
- Departure Procedures
- Holding Procedures
- Approach Procedures
- Communications and Navigation A
- IFR Flight Navigation
- Instruments and Nav Aids
- Pressure Instruments
- Gyroscopic Instruments
- Remote Indicating Compasses
- Basic Radio Principles
- Primary Surveillance Radar (PSR
- Secondary Surveillance Radar (S
- Transponders
- Airborne Weather Radar
- Visual Landing Aids
- Distance Measuring Equipment (D
- Instrument Landing System (ILS)
- Global Navigation Satellite Sys
- Performance Based Navigation (P
- Performance Based Surveillance
- IR Operational Knowledge (A & H
- IR Air Law
- BGT (A)
- Basic Turbine Engine Theory
- Turbine Engine Types
- Turbine Engine Inlet Systems
- Turbine Engine Compressors
- Turbine Engine Combustion Secti
- Turbine Engine Turbine Section
- Turbine Engine Exhaust Section
- Thrust Reversers
- Turbine Engine Fuel Systems
- Turbine Engine Lubrication Syst
- Turbine Engine Starting; Igniti
- Turbine Engine Air Cooling and
- Turbine Engine Indicating and I
- Turbine Engine Performance
- BGT (H)
- Basic Turbine Engine Theory
- Turbine Engine Types
- Turbine Engine Inlet Systems
- Turbine Engine Compressors
- Turbine Engine Combustion Secti
- Turbine Engine Turbine Section
- Turbine Engine Exhaust Section
- Turbine Engine Fuel Systems
- Turbine Engine Lubrication Syst
- Turbine Engine Starting; Igniti
- Turbine Engine Air Cooling and
- Turbine Engine Indicating and I
- Turbine Engine Performance
- BGT (A)
- Instructor
- Microlight