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PPL » Meteorology » Weather Maps

8.4 Weather Maps

8.4.2 Identify the following features found on surface weather maps:

8.4.4 Explain the most common weather characteristics of each feature.

(a) isobars;

Isobars are lines on a weather map, connecting points of equal atmospheric pressure.


(b) anticyclone (“high”);

In the Southern Hemisphere, an anticyclone is an anticlockwise circulation of winds around a central region of high atmospheric pressure,

  • It has higher pressure at its center than the areas around it.
  • Air sinks down.
  • The winds blow away from high pressure.
  • A blue H denotes the location of a high pressure system.
  • characterised by fine weather with light winds


(c) depression (“low” or “cyclone”);

In the Southern Hemisphere, a depression is a clockwise circulation of winds around a central region of low atmospheric pressure.

  • It has lower pressure at its center than the areas around it.
  • Air rises up.
  • winds blow toward the low pressure.
  • a red L denotes the location of a Low pressure system.
  • characterised by poor weather and strong winds


(d) ridge of high pressure;

  • A ridge is an extension of a high.
  • similar conditions to a high


(e) trough of low pressure;

  • A trough is an extension of a low.
  • similar conditions to a low


(f) col;

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