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Basic Gas Turbine Rating » Basic Turbine Knowledge » Turbine Engine Combustion Section

64.10 Turbine Engine Combustion Section

64.10.2 Describe the purpose and operation of the combustion chamber(s).

The combustion chamber is a critical component of a turbine engine that is responsible for burning fuel and air to produce high-temperature, high-pressure gases that drive the turbine and produce thrust.

During operation, fuel is injected into the combustion chamber and mixed with compressed air from the compressor.

The mixture is then ignited by a spark plug or other ignition source, causing it to burn rapidly and produce high-temperature, high-pressure gases.

These gases then expand and flow through the turbine, causing it to spin and produce power.

The combustion chamber is designed to contain and control the combustion process, ensuring that the temperature and pressure of the gases are within safe limits and that the engine operates efficiently.

The design of the combustion chamber is critical to the overall performance of the engine, as it must balance the competing demands of high combustion efficiency, low emissions, and safe operation.

Modern turbine engines use a variety of advanced technologies, such as lean-burn combustion and catalytic converters, to improve combustion efficiency and reduce emissions.

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