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Basic Gas Turbine Rating » Basic Turbine Knowledge » Turbine Engine Performance

64.28 Turbine Engine Performance

64.28.2 Define the following terms and describe the relationship between them, and their application to engine operation—

(a) power

Power is the rate at which work is done.

In the context of aircraft engines, power refers to the amount of work that the engine can produce.


(b) thrust

Thrust is the force that propels an aircraft forward.

In the context of aircraft engines, thrust is generated by the engine and is used to overcome the drag on the aircraft.


(c) torque

Torque is the twisting force that is produced by the engine.

In the context of aircraft engines, torque is used to turn the engine's crankshaft.


(d) gross thrust

Gross thrust is the total amount of thrust produced by an engine.


(e) net thrust

Net thrust is the amount of thrust produced by an engine that is available to propel the aircraft forward.

It is the difference between the gross thrust and the thrust required to overcome the drag on the aircraft.


(f) thrust horsepower (THP)

THP is the amount of power that is produced by an engine's thrust.

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