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Basic Gas Turbine Rating » Basic Turbine Knowledge » Turbine Engine Starting; Ignition; Relight; and Shutdown

64.22 Turbine Engine Starting; Ignition; Relight; and Shutdown

64.22.2 Describe the general precautions and safety checks prior to starting and ground running a turbine engine.

The general precautions and safety checks prior to starting and ground running a turbine engine include:


1. Reviewing the aircraft's maintenance log to ensure that all required inspections and maintenance have been completed.


2. Checking the engine oil level and ensuring that the oil is clean and free of contaminants.


3. Checking the fuel level and ensuring that the fuel is free of water and contaminants.


4. Checking the engine inlet and exhaust areas for any foreign objects or debris.


5. Ensuring that all engine controls are in the correct position and that the throttle is set to idle.


6. Checking that the fire extinguisher is properly charged and easily accessible.


7. Ensuring that all personnel and equipment are clear of the engine and that the area is properly marked off.


8. Conducting a pre-start inspection of the engine, including checking the oil pressure, fuel pressure, and electrical systems.

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