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PPL » Aircraft Tech Knowledge (A) » Control Systems

12.76 Control Systems

12.76.2 Explain the common methods of the mechanical operation of the:

(a) primary flight controls;

The common methods of mechanical operation of the primary flight controls are as follows: 1. Ailerons: The ailerons are the primary flight controls that control the roll of the aircraft. They are operated mechanically by the pilot using the control wheel or control stick. When the pilot moves the control wheel or stick to the left or right, the ailerons move in the opposite direction. This causes one wing to go up and the other wing to go down, which results in a roll motion. 2. Elevator: The elevator is the primary flight control that controls the pitch of the aircraft. It is operated mechanically by the pilot using the control wheel or stick. When the pilot moves the control wheel or stick forward or backward, the elevator moves up or down. This causes the aircraft to pitch up or down, which results in a change in altitude. 3. Rudder: The rudder is the primary flight control that controls the yaw of the aircraft. It is operated mechanically by the pilot using the rudder pedals. When the pilot pushes the left or right rudder pedal, the rudder moves in the opposite direction. This causes the aircraft to yaw left or right, which results in a change in direction. In summary, the primary flight controls of an aircraft are operated mechanically by the pilot using the control wheel or stick, rudder pedals, and other control surfaces. The ailerons control the roll, the elevator controls the pitch, and the rudder controls the yaw of the aircraft. The pilot's inputs are transmitted to the control surfaces through a series of mechanical linkages and cables.

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