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PPL » Navigation » Special Procedures

6.50 Special Procedures

6.50.2 Describe the techniques and procedures for:  

(a) re-establishing position if lost or unsure of position; 

The pilot should estimate a circle of uncertainty for the aircrafts position, ie. a circle on a chart which has a 90% chance of containng the aircrafti's position.

As a steady heading is maintained, the circle of uncertainty will move along track with the estimated DR position, increasing in diameter with the passage of time.

The pilot should then study the ground feathures over which the aircraft is passing, noting outstanding features and the sequence in which they occur.

He then attempts to identify these features on the chart within the circle of uncertainity and establish his position.


(b) diverting from the pre-planned route or destination; 

When diverting from a pre-planned route or destination, pilots follow specific techniques and procedures:


1. Assessing the Situation:

The pilot evaluates the need for diversion based on factors like:

  • weather conditions,
  • air traffic,
  • aircraft performance, and
  • operational requirements.


2. Communication:

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