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PPL » Human Factors » Vision and Visual Perception

10.18 Vision and Visual Perception


One of the most important medical requirements for a pilot is to have good vision.

Having good vision is crucial for pilots as it directly affects their ability to safely operate an aircraft.

Pilots must meet specific visual acuity requirements to obtain and maintain their pilot's license.


The Eye

The eye is an incredible organ that allows us to perceive the world around us, capturing light and converting it into electrical signals that our brain interprets as images.

Our eyes have complex structures that work together to focus light and send signals to the brain.

They can adjust to different lighting conditions, detect colours, and even perceive depth and motion.



10.18.2 Identify the following eye structure components:

The main parts of the eye include the cornea, iris, pupil, lens, retina, and optic nerve.



(a) lens

  • The lens of the eye is a transparent, flexible structure located behind the iris.
  • It helps to focus light onto the retina, which is the light-sensitive layer at the back of the eye.
  • The primary function of the lens is to focus the visual image onto the retina, doing so by changing its shape.
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