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Basic Gas Turbine Rating » Basic Turbine Knowledge » Turbine Engine Lubrication Systems

64.20 Turbine Engine Lubrication Systems

64.20.2 Describe the basic principles of operation of typical turbine engine lubrication systems.

Turbine engine lubrication systems are designed to provide a continuous supply of clean oil to the engine's moving parts.

The basic principles of operation of a typical turbine engine lubrication system are as follows:


1. Oil Pump:

The oil pump is responsible for drawing oil from the oil tank and delivering it to the engine's moving parts.

The oil pump is typically driven by the engine's accessory gearbox.


2. Oil Filter:

The oil filter is designed to remove contaminants from the oil before it enters the engine.

The oil filter can be a full-flow filter, which filters all of the oil that passes through it, or a bypass filter, which filters a portion of the oil and returns it to the oil tank.


3. Oil Cooler:

The oil cooler is designed to reduce the temperature of the oil before it enters the engine.

This helps to prevent the oil from breaking down and losing its lubricating properties.


4. Oil Pressure Relief Valve:

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