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IFR » Instruments and Nav Aids » VOR

56.22 VOR

56.22.2 Explain the basic operating principles of a VOR ground station, including the:

(a) reference phase signal;

(b) variable phase signal; and

(c) measurement of phase difference.

56.22.4 Describe what is meant by a VOR radial.

56.22.6 List the publications and charts that show VOR callsigns and frequencies.

56.22.8 Explain the importance of station identification before using the VOR.

56.22.10 Describe the presentation of the VOR CDI on a:

(a) fixed card;

(b) rotatable card; and

(c) HSI indicator.

56.22.12 Explain the operation of a typical VOR indicator, including:

(a) the omni-bearing selector (OBS);

(b) the course deviation indicator (CDI); and

(c) the TO/FROM indicator.

56.22.14 Describe how the VOR receiver can be used to:

(a) establish orientation of that aircraft to and from a VOR station;

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