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Microlight » Meteorology » Aircraft Performance

Aircraft Performance

Effect of Wind on Speed

As the pilot you control the airspeed of the aircraft, which is the speed of the aircraft relative to an airmass.

Groundspeed is the speed of the aircraft relative to the ground.

On a nil wind day, your groundspeed will be the same speed as your airspeed.

With a tailwind, your groundspeed will be higher than your airspeed

With a headwind, your groundspeed will be lower than your airspeed.


Effect of Wind on Gliding Distance

Every aircraft has its own best glide distance speed.

Any speed faster or slower will reduce the glide distance.

For an aircraft holding its best glide distance speed into a headwind, the glide distance will reduce.

For an aircraft holding its best glide distance speed with a tailwind, the glide distance will increase.

Effect of Wind on Track

To maintain a constant track in a crosswind, the aircraft's nose will have to point slightly into wind to prevent any drift.


Effect of Wind on Time 

In nil wind conditions:

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