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PPL » Human Factors » Circulation and Respiratory Systems

10.8 Circulation and Respiratory Systems

10.8.2 Describe the basic anatomy (structure) of the respiratory system.

The respiratory system is made up of several key components.

It starts with the nose and mouth, where air enters the body.

From there, the air travels down the throat and into the trachea, which is also known as the windpipe.

The trachea then branches into two bronchi, which lead to the lungs.

Inside the lungs, the bronchi continue to divide into smaller tubes called bronchioles.

At the end of the bronchioles are tiny air sacs called alveoli, where the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place.




10.8.4 Describe the physiology (function) of the respiratory system.

The respiratory system has a pretty important job in our bodies.

It's all about taking in oxygen and getting rid of carbon dioxide.

When we breathe in, air enters through our nose or mouth, travels down the throat, and into the lungs.

Inside the lungs, oxygen from the air is transferred into the bloodstream, while carbon dioxide, a waste product, is removed from the bloodstream and exhaled.

This process is called gas exchange.

The respiratory system also helps regulate the pH balance of our blood.




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