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PPL » Air Law (A) & (H) » Cruising Levels

4.72 Cruising Levels

4.72.2 State the altitude requirements when cruising VFR within the New Zealand FIR as per Part 91 & AIP ENR

91.313 VFR cruising altitude and flight level

(a) A pilot-in-command of an aircraft operating within the New Zealand FIR under VFR in level cruising flight at more than 3000 feet AMSL or 1000 feet AGL (whichever is the higher) must, unless otherwise authorised by an ATC unit, maintain the following altitudes or flight levels:

  • (1) when operating at or below 13 000 feet AMSL and—
    • on a magnetic track of 270° clockwise to 089°, any odd thousand foot altitude AMSL plus 500 feet; or
    • on a magnetic track of 090° clockwise to 269°, any even thousand foot altitude AMSL plus 500 feet:
  • (2) when operating at or above flight level 150, up to and including flight level 275 and—
    • on a magnetic track of 270° clockwise to 089°, any odd flight level plus 500 feet beginning at and including flight level 155; or
    • on a magnetic track of 090° clockwise to 269°, any even flight level plus 500 feet beginning at and including flight level 165.
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