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PPL » Aircraft Tech Knowledge (A) » Basic Flying Controls

12.58 Basic Flying Controls

12.58.2 Define the aircraft axes of rotation, pitch, roll and yaw.

1. Pitch:

The pitch axis is an imaginary line that runs horizontally through the aircraft from wingtip to wingtip.

Rotation around the pitch axis is called pitch, and it causes the aircraft to move up or down.


2. Roll:

The roll axis is an imaginary line that runs horizontally through the aircraft from nose to tail.

Rotation around the roll axis is called roll, and it causes the aircraft to bank or tilt to one side.


3. Yaw:

The yaw axis is an imaginary line that runs vertically through the aircraft, from top to bottom.

Rotation around the yaw axis is called yaw, and it causes the aircraft to turn to the left or right.


By controlling the pitch, roll, and yaw of an aircraft, pilots can maneuver the aircraft through the air and control its altitude, speed, and direction of flight.


12.58.4 Name the flying controls used to affect movement about each axis.

1. Pitch:

To control the pitch of the aircraft, pilots use the elevators.

The elevators are located on the trailing edge of the horizontal stabilizer (the small wing at the tail of the aircraft) and are used to change the angle of attack of the wing.

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