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PPL » Flight Radio » Introduction


Flight Radio Telephony is the study of how to operate the aircraft's radio and navigation system.

In aviation we use two types of radio frequency:

  • High Frequency (HF) and
  • Very high Frequency (VHF).


Radio Waves

Overall, radio waves are a type of electromagnetic radiation that are used for various purposes, including communication, broadcasting, navigation, and even cooking food in microwave ovens.

In addition to communication, radio waves are also used in radar systems for detecting objects, in satellite communication for transmitting signals across the globe, and in medical imaging techniques like MRI.


Radio waves have a longer wavelength and lower frequency compared to other types of electromagnetic waves, such as visible light or X-rays.

They can be generated by oscillating electric currents in antennas or electronic devices.

One property of radio waves is their ability to travel through the atmosphere and even outer space.

They can propagate through the air, water, and even some solid materials.


The range of radio waves depends on their frequency.

Lower frequency radio waves, like AM radio, can travel long distances by bouncing off the ionosphere, while higher frequency waves, like FM radio or Wi-Fi, have a shorter range and require a clear line-of-sight path.

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