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PPL » Human Factors » First Aid

10.64 First Aid

10.64.2 Describe the basic principles of first aid.

Basic Principles of First Aid

First aid is the initial care provided to someone who is injured or ill before professional medical help arrives.


Here are some key principles to keep in mind:


1. Assess the situation: 

Make sure the area is safe for both you and the injured person.

Check for any potential dangers before approaching.


2. Ensure personal safety: 

Before providing first aid, protect yourself by wearing gloves or other protective equipment if available.


3. Call for help: 

If the situation is serious or beyond your capabilities, call emergency services or ask someone nearby to call for help.


4. Provide initial care: 

Depending on the situation, you may need to perform actions such as controlling bleeding, immobilising injuries, or administering CPR.


5. Comfort and reassure: 

Offer emotional support and reassurance to the injured person.

Keep them calm and let them know help is on the way.


6. Continuously monitor: 

Stay with the person, monitor their condition, and be prepared to adjust your actions as needed until professional help arrives.



10.64.4 Describe the basic principles of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation.

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