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PPL » Flight Radio » SSR Transponders

2.6 SSR Transponders

A transponder is a device used in aircraft that transmits signals to air traffic control radar systems.

SSR stands for Surveillance Radar is a radar system used in aviation that works in conjunction with the transponder.

It's called "secondary" because it relies on the transponder's signals to provide additional information about the aircraft.

SSR sends out interrogation signals to aircraft, and the transponder on the aircraft responds with specific information, such as the aircraft's identification code (squawk code), altitude, and other data.

This information is then displayed on the radar screen for air traffic controllers, allowing them to track and manage the aircraft's position and ensuring safe separation from other aircraft.

SSR greatly enhances the accuracy and efficiency of air traffic control by providing more detailed information about each aircraft.


2.6.2 Describe the manipulation and adjustment of the controls of commonly used transponders.

Here's a general overview of the controls:

1. Mode Selector:

The transponder has different modes that allow pilots to transmit different types of information.

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